I was trying to fix the bug recently I was talking about in my last post. The problem was that I was actually using app local storage to store some game scores (and stuff). Turns out you cannot write in app local storage (you cannot open a file to write). msappx:// this storage defines the app local storage.
Solution to this problem was IsolatedStorage. As the name suggests there is an isolation in this type of storage in terms of data access (only the app using this storage can manipulate it).
This link http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/working-with-isolated-storage-on-windows-phone-8--cms-22778 helped me getting my problem solved. Thanks +Tuts+ Code.
Solution to this problem was IsolatedStorage. As the name suggests there is an isolation in this type of storage in terms of data access (only the app using this storage can manipulate it).
This link http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/working-with-isolated-storage-on-windows-phone-8--cms-22778 helped me getting my problem solved. Thanks +Tuts+ Code.
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