Saturday, August 23, 2014


It's been a long time since I wrote something that is actually about me. Well, here I am spending my summer vacations quite in the way I planned in last semester (huh! what a bad time it was). I actually planned a lot of things to do in summers but I always plan more than I can do so that I do more and more. I am watching movies (a lot), television series, playing games, learning a few things. Recently a lot of people (mostly juniors) have asked me what to do best in summers so that at the end you don't regret that you wasted whole a lot of time doing nothing. I told all of them, "do what needs to be done." Really you should go with your heart. You want to play games? Play them like day and night (literally only stop to eat). You want to go on a tour to some northern areas? Go far away from north. But at the end you shouldn't regret. Regrets are something you keep regretting your whole life.
What I am doing right now?
Well, I am watching Game of Thrones (nearly ended), The Strain and I wish I could mention The Big Bang Theory (God, I miss that badly.)
I am learning C# from (a video lecture series compiled by Bob Tabor, really a good one for absolute beginners).
I am reading some books to cover the old topics from data structures course and discrete mathematics.
I plan to hit a game in future (in some days) before I leave for Karachi (still planning).

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